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Our Sarms America team gets it and for this reason our team of experts have gotten together to post blogs on all Sarms America products.
TODAY our Sarms America team wants you to know that whatever you have known or used in the past, our Sarms America products are far better than using steroids. You see our Sarms America product S4 which is also known as Andarine is at its peak in performance and is considered to be the risk free alternative to Winstrol.
Like our other Sarms products, our S4 is orally taken and helps in boosting lean muscle mass and faster oxidation of stored fat.
Research has shown that S4 SARM , Andarine , binds to the androgen receptor which creates an increase in the expression of genes associated in protein synthesis which would in turn increase lean muscle mass. Studies have shown S-4 preserves lean muscle mass as well as increasing it making it a great benefit to fighting osteoporosis and muscle degeneration. S-4 is known to be one of the most popular SARMS because research has shown the potential for increased stamina, lean muscle mass, and vascularity.
In clinical trials, SARMS andarine dose of 3 mg kg/day could restore strength and skeletal muscle in castrated rats.
This proves the drug's ability as the treatment of muscle wasting and male Hormone Replacement Therapy.
In a 120 day study comparing S4 to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) resulted in maintaining bone strength and mass.
Further, it showed a higher efficacy rate than DHT.
DHT is 3 x more anabolic than testosterone.
The Sarms America team recommends that you start with a minimum dose of 20mg/day and then work your way up, always keeping tables on sides as you go. Most of the sides are reversible and with a recommended dose and proper PCT you should be able to achieve excellent results with it without worries.
How to make it work for you….if you lift 5 days, use it on those days and stay off the S4 for 2 days.
The Sarms America team highly recommends after a 4 to 6 week cycle you follow through with a PCT cycle.
If you are on a bulking cycle, it will reduce bloat and make your gains look rock hard, ripped and vascular.
If you are cutting, you will look like you have been on a Var and Winny cycle for weeks. Why because Sarms America S4 product helps in oxidizing stored fat while protecting your hard earned muscle.
Be prepared for strength gains that will break your lifting thresholds. Personal bests have been achieved by almost every athlete who has cycled with Sarms America S4 product.
The selective androgenic effects mean that there is zero effect on your cardiac muscles. Your cholesterol levels are not elevated and your liver values remain constant throughout the cycle.
It is a very powerful compound indeed and one that you should be using if you are serious about your gains and about using SARMS.
At 50mg/day, most people experience zero to mild side effects. The most notable ones that are experienced at higher doses are responsible for the bad rap that S4 has gotten in recent times. There are two in particular.
Both these sides are temporary and will fade as soon as you stop using S4. If you experience any of these and it becomes bothersome, just stay off the drug for a day or two. Even better, use the 5-2 dosing protocol.
All products listed and provided through our website are intended for research purposes only.
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