PCT & Sarms


So the question we are answering today is what is the Most Effective Way to Recover from your Sarms Cycle.

It really is not that complicated…. 

The first step you have taken is to gain a better understanding and that is really great as knowledge is power and power is what you are seeking now to ensure that you maintain the best shape possible after you have finished your cycle.

So let us start with what is PCT?

PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy. This should be done after you have finished your cycle of Sarms. 

You may be asking why? Well simply said the purpose is to help your body’s natural testosterone production recover form your cycle. You see during your cycle your are suppressing your hormones so they become inactive so once you stop your body needs a little help to get it going again.

Using Sarms America’s Ostarine as a PCT is an excellent choice!

A lot of users take Ostarine as an integral part of the PCT. Ostarine helps you keep your gains and it actually helps you make news ones during your recovery time.

The reason we say this is because the benefits of Ostarine is that it helps protect your muscle gains and it helps you to continue to drop off the fat. 

What you may not know is that Cardarine, YK-11, MK-677 and SR-9009 are not androgenic Sarms so you can still use these products during Post Cycle.

You Need to Continue just as Hard during your PCT Cycle

Sarms products will boost your strength for sure but do not underrate how important the mental component to your training is. You can not  simply drop the weights and lower your training performance during your PCT Cycle. 

You may have to drop the volume (usually by doing  fewer working sets in a session) but you should not drop your training INTENSITY.

No Matter is your are on a Sarm Cycle or PCT Cycle you always need to give each set 100% and push yourself and the weight of your set as much as you can- safely of course. 

So What Happens Now That You Are on Your PCT Cycle and Your Intake of Food? 

Well for starters you can not go on an aggressive diet while you are on a PCT Cycle. Why?

Because you have just been working so hard in ensuring your growth that if you start slashing your calories you may start to lose the mass you have worked your butt off to put on. 

What we recommend is that you slowly reduce your food intake over a period of a few weeks to that you can still continue to grown stronger in the gym.

What is for Sure really important for you to do is to CONTINUE to consume Protein- this is not an OPTION!

In order for you to continue to retain your muscles you always need to ensure that your are consuming high quality proteins and this includes:

  • Chicken
  • Egg Whites
  • Fish
  • Whey

*Complete protein: a food source containing all 9 essential amino acids.

Protein, specifically the amino acids that make it up, are essential to build and repair muscle as we break it down through weight training. If you are on a budget and are consuming a lot of poor quality or processed meats, or are vegan and might not be getting a full spectrum of amino acids, you might also want to supplement EAA's with the focus for vegans on getting enough leucine (3g per feeding).

While there are plenty of formulas based on bodyweight and lean body mass that claim to give the perfect protein amount, we’d simply suggest 30g of complete protein per meal for small active females, up to around 50g per meal for muscular men.

This is where we, again, stress the value of having blood work done throughout the year. Are health markers in a good place? Is testosterone normal? Liver enzymes normal? Lipid profile good?

If health is in check, and you wish to start another cycle, go ahead.

Don’t worry! If you are still training hard, consuming enough protein and getting enough overall calories in, your muscle won’t just dissolve.


When it comes to losing gains post-SARMs, the battle is largely mental. Our suggestions to continue progressing are:

  • Get hormones in check
  • Use a natural muscle building sup
  • Train hard
  • Don’t go right into an aggressive diet
  • Eat enough calories
  • Get enough protein
  • If going back on, plan ahead smartly

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